We were entertained by our talented members!
What do we do?
You name it, YFC does it!
One of the first things you'll find is that everything done at YFC is organised by the members themselves. Each Club elects a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and other positions, and together all members decide what they would like to do and then arrange it. Club programmes are so varied that there is usually something for everyone!
By becoming a YFC member you also have the opportunity to go to one of the many social events that are organised. There is usually something on every Friday night and throughout the year you will have the chance to dress up as there are at least 5 black tie events organised a year!
Competitions play a major part in YFC life and you're bound to want to have a go yourself. You'll find at least one event you can't resist and you only have to talk to one of our members to know that it's pretty addictive once you've started! It doesn't matter how old you are (providing you are in membership age), how fit you are or what skills you already have. They're open to everyone and there is always someone who can get you in training to help you get the skills you need to take part. From sports to drama, stockjudging to sewing, public speaking to ploughing - there really is something for everyone! You can start at a local level and then find yourself competing in the Area and National final's - anything is possible. And in the true spirit of YFC, if there isn't a competition that's up your street, you can usually start one!
Finally, YFC also gives you the opportunity to travel. Some Clubs choose to organise an exchange with another Club giving you the opportunity to meet new people and see a different part of Britain. However, if you want to travel a bit further you can do so through the Discovery Programme. The Discovery Programme is managed by the National Federation and provides a unique opportunity for YFC members to travel, meet new people and experience other cultures - in most cases just for the cost of the travel and insurance. Trips vary from one week to six months and you can choose from Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Kenya & Zambia, just to name a few!
To see more of what the National Federation has to offer take a look at their website at: www.nfyfc.org.uk.