Welcome to Upton upon Severn Young Farmers
Upton Upon Severn YFC
Hello and welcome to Upton Young Farmers !!
Upton Young Farmers has been serving South Worcestershire's Youth since 1942.
In Upton we take the motto 'Fun, Learning and Achievement' along with us in everything we do. The club is open to anybody from any background, and we believe it is extremely important that everyone feels welcome and involved.
Every year we have an action-packed calendar with plenty of exciting visits, talks, classes and competitions. Activities include everything from bowling, talks from local businesses and pumpkin carving, to raft building, rock climbing, tug of war training and stock judging classes.
The annual Rally is the most important date in the YFC calendar and this is where the club competes in over 70 competitions for a chance to lift the Championship cup within Worcestershire. Every year the rally has a theme, which competitions such as cake decorating, photography and woodwork are all based around. Other traditional competitions also held on the day, such as poultry boning, sheep shearing and tug of war, always draw a crowd and are highly competitive.
The club has a meeting every Wednesday evening, which is open to all members. We also have competitions held regularly throughout the year at both County level and higher. Along with this, we have many social events such as club doos and larger social events. These events are often held as a fundraiser for a club.
Fundraising is a very important part of what we do within YFC. This is for both the club itself; so that younger generations can get just as much out of YFC as we do, but also for other charities. Previously Upton has raised money for MIND and The British Heart Foundation. Most recently, Upton held a Pub quiz and curry night in order to raise money for Farming Community Network.
We currently have members aged 12 to 26 taking part in a wide range of activities. If you want to come along, have a go and experience what YFC is all about, then speak to Georgia, Upton’s Club Chair.
Membership Prices for 2023/24:
Junior £35
Intermediate £45
Senior £50
If you are interested in getting involved or want more information, please contact:
Chair - Georgia Thatcher 07377810053
Vice Chair – Kitty Dingley 07753122226
Secretary – Becky Willis 07817334519
Treasurer - Tom Aldersey
To contact any of the committee, please email uptonyfc@gmail.com or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.